Thursday, May 1, 2008

Know your English

Vowels of a language contributes to the pronounciation of the words in the language.

Let us see some interesting things about vowels in English. All of us know that a, e, i, o, u are the vowels.

Try putting consonants together and attempt to read the word.
For ex, pt. Does it mak any sense reading it?
Now try inserting vowel.

Hope you'll admit that the words makes sense to read, each word taking different pronounciation and different meaning.

Many of us may not have noticed that these vowels have two sounds.
A takes sounds a as in apple and ae as in ape.
E takes sounds e as in english and eh as in egg
I takes sounds e ( a very short e) as in ink and i as in kite
O takes sounds o as in poll and oh as in on
u takes sounds u as in use and uh as in us

Is there any word in english that has no vowels in it?
f we refer to words that lack "true" vowels (a, e, i, o, and u), the answer is that a number of them do; among them are: hymn, rhythm, myth, sylph, and syzygy (the alignment of three celestial objects). These words contain the so-called semivowel y and none of the true vowels.Words without vowels:(more wanted)
(i) rhythm
(ii) crypt
(iii) fly
(iv) pry
(v) cry
(vi) try
(vii) dry

(viii) fry

Wouldn't be interesting to have a word with all vowels in it?
The only word with all the vowels in reverse order is subcontinental.

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